Children Bedroom Solutions


We dedicate this newsletter to   industry of  
MAIKO 1, maple essence with a modern touch, rustic but elegant in texture MEDUSA  with a soft tactile effect like freshly carted wood .
The combination with BLU ACCIAIO makes the composition suitable for everyone.
OLMO CELSUS, white with slight veins for children bedrooms that lasts over the years, the peculiarity of the pore in "positive",  of the texture CARTUSIA  makes it pleasant to the touch and GIALLO SEGNALE , with a dusty tone, gives brightness  even to the smallest settings.
MYA, striped cedar wood, refined, enhanced by texture  MYRTA  a deep but delicate pore, all brightened  by décor  AlBICOCCA,  a timeless classic orange

SAMUI 6, eucalyptus dyed blonde in texture  ZARA , a perfect match where the chiaroscuro of the texture  enhances the colour shades of the décor.  The solid colour TALCO creates a bond   suitable not only for bedrooms but also for  guests  rooms .

You can request samples from our local agent or directly to the email