Etno Chic


Another trend that is reaffirmed in the current year is

Main features of this style are
the use of important decors, rich in flames, dark almost "burned",
on solid  furniture, with very marked and heavy lines.
Bringing this trend into our homes,
architects and designers have made the furnishings more minimal,
while maintaining the importance of wood and its shade,
interspersed with solid colours or modern stones.

Below are some examples of applications of our decors
you can request samples from our local agent or directly to the email address



NOCE BOHEM  in  texture MYRTA  is a  classic example of Etno Chic,
where the dark tone of the walnut, enriched by a marked pore and

important flames, is combined with panels   in REPORT a dark slate stone
with slight white cracks.
The insertion of aluminum profiles lighten
the settings and enhance the style of the furniture



NOCE  PAROS 2 with a  particular pore that widening 
makes the design "breathe" and illuminates the surface.
Texture SMOOTH , a  30 gloss semi-matte , enhances the
characteristics of wood and the solid colour
BIANCO K21, a warm and welcoming milky white