

The second decor by liking
launched at Sicam '21 is an oak.
It’s an essence that has been established for years in the furniture sector,
but the peculiarity of the Jasper is the absence of knots and cracks and
the pore that draws an elegant and versatile half flame

JASPER RV 21-137-M
Trendy dark gray tone in all sectors,
from the kitchen to the contract.
The combination with texture PRESTIGE  and the MARNA,
creates an elegant furniture with a marked and decisive tactility.
JASPER RV 21-136-M
Raw, neutral color, suitable for all home and work settings.
The texture  PRINT  and solid colour  TAIGA ,
create the right balance even for large furnishings
such as wardrobes, boiserie or office walls.

JASPER RV 21-134
Honey tint with a Nordic flavor,
it’s present and affirmed also in the classic Italian taste.
Texture OTELLA , deep and with a rustic design, in contrast
with solid colour  MALTA TORTORA  create a vintage but elegant combination

JASPER RV 21-135-M
White background and barely hinted pore,
create a light and bright decor,
suitable for young or small and poorly lit settings .
ARANCIO TENERIFE  gives that touch of colour and liveliness to the piece of furniture,
accentuated by the different degrees of opacity of the texture  LAVISH .

You can request samples from our local agent or directly to the email address
