Store Solutions 2


In the second newsletter dedicated to
we focus on the key colour of the last few years for all home and work settings ,

BIANCO ARTICO, with a neutral tone, combined with texture CARTUSIA , with a particular positive pore , embossed and not engraved ,  accentuating the texture and depth of the design.
The combination with ANTRACITE 800 creates an  elegant and perfect light and dark game in any setting .

BIANCO K21, warm and refined like the SEPPIA to which it is combined.
Texture  LIVING, weft  inspired by  Oxford fabric, makes this type of furniture a  classic timeless .
BIANCO POINT  and NERO, on one side an optical white, glacial, on the other side  absolute black, 2 opposite poles united by texture  VELVET , super matt , real  trend of the last few years.
Minimal furnishings for trendy shops.

You can request samples from our local agent or directly to the email address