Trend Decors


As announced in the previous newsletter
we are going to analyze the trends
proposed on important trade magazines and international design sites.

We have mentioned a common goal in all sectors aimed to natural one  and well-being.
Part of this research leads to the selection of NATURAL WOODS with warm colors,

essences that create COMFORT ZONE within your home or work settings.

Important woods, interspersed with solid colours, which balance and enhance the characteristics of the essence.
We propose here  below 2 examples with the above characteristics,
you can request samples from our local agent or by writing to



ROVERE CHOPIN 1, Striped oak with a honey tone.

The transition from rustic to modern passes through a type of wood that

is not excessively minimal, a trend perfectly obtained through this oak.
The medium-large pore and the movement of the design make it suitable

for linear furnishings that require a classic connotation.
The combination with BIANCO  EXPORT and texture PRINT ,
enhance the characteristics of the decor.




BELGRAVIA 1, Walnut colour with the typical tone of national walnut.

Historic wood, a symbol of "wealth" and importance,
which we will see inserted in all domestic settings.
The particular structure of this essence is the emblem of
that passage between vintage and modern, explained in the previous proposal.
Accentuated passages of colour and planks  kept elegant and not too aggressive.
Texture LAVISH  and solid colour  GRIGIO ORION  balance
and give importance to the whole setting where the furniture is inserted.