Trendy Textures


We dedicate this newsletter to the first 3 trendy  textures
for  2021.
It’s characterized by a large pore with light half flames
and from different degrees of opacity to make it three-dimensional even on solid colours.
It’s perfect on dark woods such as NOCE  BOHEM combined
to GIALLO  814,  one of Pantone  solid colours for 2021.

The pores are v large  and  narrow  at the same time  alternated with barely hinted flamed planks  make texture Lavish  both elegant and rustic .
In this texture it’s also typical  the different degrees of  opacity .
It ‘s enhanced by  solid colours such as INCENSO, that  is the second Pantone  colour for 2021   ,
and extremely trendy gray woods such as VIVIENNE 2.
It ‘s a fine but very tactile NOCE  pore  with a wavy surface  and a
degree of opacity that enhances the characteristics of each decor and solid colour.
We offer it with BELGRAVIA 2, a blond walnut with an Italian taste and,
GIADA, a dusty green as requested by architects and designers.

You can request samples from our local agent or directly to the email address