Although there is a search for more elegant woods,
the rustic will be a trend that will be very present also for
this year.
Often the essence used in these furnishings is OAK, which is best suited to be declined in various shades,
as well as presenting perfect pore and flame characteristics.
We show here below 3 settings
made with our decors remembering that
you can request samples from our local agent or directly to the email address
Rochelle 1 has the characteristic "head cut", a peculiarity that allows the
decor to be rustic with a flame that does not require combinations and programmed cuts.
The warm gray tone, combined with the solid color
GRIGIO RAL and texture GRAVE , break the excessive roughness of the decor making it modern.
ROCHELLE 2, honeyed tone also entered into
work environments as we see in the photo.
We can see how the use of metal parts and NERE
components in the composition, make the
setting vintage but current, recalling
the "industrial" style still very much in vogue.
Texture MEDUSA gives opacity and light materiality to a wood with an ancient flavor.
ROCHELLE 3, tobacco color combined with TORTORA.
The shade has not been kept excessively dark, to give way to the
decorative to express itself to the maximum, playing on the contrasts between the
background and the design obtaining a depth close to the true essence.
Texture BRUCIATO accentuates the rustic vein of the design, balanced
by the elegance of the solid colour, obtaining a very refined setting